The Robot Family began as an idea for a collection of shorts, but has now expanded into full fledged television show concept! This site was created so that we (the artists) could share ideas and sketches back and forth as we explore the design direction, character development, and comedic tone of the Robot Family show.
The Development Archive contains a collection of these ideas dating back to beginning of the process. Week by week, sketch by sketch, we try to flush out the characters and the world they inhabit.
But enough about us...
Meet the Robot Family!
As much as they would like it to, the world does not always conform to their robot ways.

Will is a husband and father of 3. He has a very important job at the toy company, loves his wife, Debbie, very much, and is always anxious to come home for dinner with his family, and then maybe a beer and a Sparks game on the tv.

Debbie is Wills wife and the mother of their three children. She works at the local newspaper as an editor in the Lifestyles section. She takes pride in her children and all of their achievements. She also enjoys making pottery for the local art fairs in her basement studio.

Penny is the first of two identical twins. She and her sister, Jenny, though they look alike and attend the same high-school, are almost exact opposites. Penny is a rambunctious teenager. She has a whole new way of looking at the world that has not ever occurred to anyone who has lived before.

Jenny is the second identical twin. She is an easy-going, eager to please type of robot. She gets along very well in school, likes her teachers and gets good grades. She enjoys cheerleading, painting, and (truth be told) making out with her boyfriend, Dwayne.

Billy is the youngest member of the family. You never know what hes going to do next. He is undisciplined and lacks direction in his life. But hes still young and everyone is confident he will eventually grow up and become a productive member of society.
